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GET SKI FIT! - Snowtrax

It’s amazing how quickly the ski season comes around – and this year with temperatures falling and great snow reports coming in, it’s shaping up to be a good one.


At Cadbury Physiotherapy we're passionate about helping people get the most out of the things they love doing – and arriving in the mountains in good shape not only helps achieve this but also reduces the risk of injury.

Even though most resorts are now up and running, don’t feel you’ve left it too late as there is still a lot you can achieve in a short amount of time if you’re planning a last minute trip away.


Firstly, skiing and snowboarding require good leg strength and the best exercises to help build this are squats and lunges. You can start with doing these slowly and steadily, but progressing to jump-lunges and jump-squats really replicates the loading your muscles experience when skiing and snowboarding. People often mention the ‘wall sit’ exercise as a being good for skiing - you’ll certainly experience the ‘burn’ but the position encourages you to lean or push backwards, so from a technique perspective we prefer free squats and lunges where possible.


Core strength is also really important and the plank is a great way to get your core going quickly – keep an eye on your technique and stop if you feel you’re losing your form.


Ski and snowboard runs generally last between 30 and 60 seconds – so if you’re out running, cycling or in the gym using some cardio equipment, try some short intervals to help get your heart and lungs used to working for these short, hard periods.


And finally at the end of the session, practice some balance work. Most snow sport injuries occur towards the end of the day when fatigue is beginning to set in, so practicing balance work when you’re tired really helps with this. Using a half gym ball (BOSU) or Pilates balance pads to stand on or use them for squatting will challenge your reactions and your functional core strength.


Doing sessions like this four times a week in the build up to holiday will make a real difference to your trip!


For more information on all the exercises mentioned in this article and more please visit